~ The Heroes of the IDITAROD ~
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Photos of Huskies and other Iditarod dogs during the 2010 race. These endurance dogs make the Iditarod possible...
2010 Iditarod Dogs in Action |
Photos of Iditarod dogs in action during the 2010 race. Lance Mackey's (right) and Sam Deltour's dogs (below) pulling the sled.
More Iditarod dogs in action.
Photos of Iditarod dogs in action taken during the 2010 race.
Not all dogs are equal... Iditarod dogs must be strong enough to endure the wind, cold, ice and the 1000 miles of trails leading to Nome.
And they must do that in a race against time.
2009 Iditarod - Dog Teams in Action |
Harry Alexie's lead dog
has piercing blue eyes.
Iditarod dogs pulling with all their strength.
Rick Swenson's lead dog is fearless.
2009 Iditarod Dogs Eating Snow On the Run |
Iditarod dogs can't really stop in the middle of the race, so they eat snow on the run in order to hydrate themselves.
Dining on the run also means going to the bathroom on the run! This dog can't slow down the rest of the team.
More dog teams in action.
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Go2Moon, Alaska